Let’s Develop Your New Product Together
Know-how is our business
All-in-One Solution
From idea to complex product
Markets We Serve
Complex solutions for the aerospace and medical industries
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Our Story

AGAS is one of Israel’s leading supply, procurement, and consulting companies for medical and aerospace equipment manufacturers.

Our company has extensive experience, gained over many years, in the Israeli and international markets, which allows us to strongly contribute to the procurement departments of large companies and to production management in small- and medium-sized businesses.

We work in cooperation with local and international companies, and we attend professional training courses, exhibitions, and lectures so that we can apply accumulated practical knowledge to benefit our customers.

At AGAS, we strive to help our customers’ businesses excel through diligent work in three main fields:

Supply chain and procurement.

Technologies solutions and consultations for machine processing (CNC).

Supply of raw materials, hardware, and hard-to-find products.

Supply chain and procurement 

The best way to increase revenue is to decrease expense, and, for successful cost reduction, one must master proper purchasing skills.

Technologies solutions and consultations for machine processing (CNC)

Our customers trust AGAS to find production solutions for global manufacturers, which will help them receive quality services in a short time at a competitive price. We have extensive experience working with manufacturers of precision parts, which are often made from exotic materials and take unusual shapes.

Supply of raw materials, hardware, and hard-to-find products

Since 2007, AGAS has specialized in representing and trading with leading manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials, hardware, and final products in Israel and all over the world. We clearly know how to reduce costs because we have vast experience behind us, as well as access to a large network of subcontractors and manufacturers. We are perfectionists and pursue the best solutions until we find them.